How to Use a Lip Balm

We all own lip balms and lip butters but are we really using them the right way? Just simply using a lip balm is not enough. You will have to use it the right way to actually reap the benefits. Most people forget to exfoliate their lips or end up using a balm that is not meant to suit their skin condition. When you are not doing things the right way, you will not be able to reap the benefits. Let us understand more about the right way of using lip products.

How to use a chapstick

This is a type of long lip balm that is very common. It has a revolving dial at the bottom and one can raise or lower the tube as and when required. This is the easiest to use and the great benefit from this is that you do not have to use your hands.

      Rotate the dial to bring the lip balm to the brim of the container
      Do not raise it too much as you will not be able to close the chapstick

How to use a tube

This is very easy and what you need to do is basically squeeze out what you need. This can be done by anyone and even a kid.

The other type of containers that lip products come in jars, trays and small round boxes. This is very easy to use and you can put in your fingers and take how much ever you need. The only drawback is that when you use this type of product it is kind of unhygienic because you will have to keep using your hands.

How to apply lip balm using your finger

      The first thing you need to do when you are applying a lip balm with your hand is to wash it with soap and water
      Pat it dry with a towel and then open your lip balm
      After opening the balm, take as much as you need using your index finger
      Be careful not to take too much
      Spread the balm evenly all over your lips
      If there is any excess, you can apply it to the ends of your hair. This is a great tip to prevent split ends.


Never use a lip balm on flaky lips directly. You should always prepare your lips beforehand to allow better penetration of the product. This should be done by giving your lips a good round of exfoliation. You can use a homemade scrub made out of sugar and honey to do this. Or, you can simply apply some coconut oil to your lips and brush off the flaky skin with a toothbrush.

Once your lips are exfoliated, they are ready to receive the product, which will penetrate deeper and actually end up doing its job.

Make sure that you are using a lip product that suits your needs. If you have very dry lips, use one that has a lot of natural butters. Avoid balms that contain petroleum products or mineral oil.
